Are you looking for a fun activity to do while quarantined on this special day of the year?
Treating oursleves with some bliss from Pepper Love
In this week's video, we are greeted by a new and promising hot sauce company called, you guessed it, Pepper Love!
Getting some Hurt Berry Farm Sauces on my taste buds
This week I'm getting some hot sauces from the local conscious company Hurt Berry Farm located in Ontario on my taste buds.
Édition Spéciale Britannia Mills 🚂 – 3 Sauces + 1 Surprise!
Dans cet épisode spécial du Hot Pepper Show, on goûte à trois sauces d'une compagnie locale de Québec : le Domaine Britannia Mills. Au menu, 3 sauces assez particulières!
CaJohn’s Black Garlic Ghost Pepper – A Quick & Honest Hot Sauce Review
In this video, I'm tasting the Black Garlic Ghost Pepper host sauce from the CaJohn's food company.
Taste testing some of The Spicy Shark Hot Sauces
This week I'm taste testing two bottles of The Spicy Shark hot sauces!
On goûte à 3 des sauces de Nature Frugale!
Allez découvrir leurs sauces piquantes :