Today we are reviewing McDonald's Spicy Chicken McNuggets with their Habanero Dipping Sauce but also making it NEXT LEVEL HOT with a panel of hot sauces to spice things up!
Tasting Hurt Berry Farm’s Hot Pepper Derived Products 🍁🍓🍯
This week we are getting out of our comfort zone, leaving the world of hot sauces for a moment, to get into a wild territory; Hurt Berry Farm's hot pepper derived products.
How to spice up your Easter in lockdown!? 🐇🔥
Are you looking for a fun activity to do while quarantined on this special day of the year?
Édition Spéciale Britannia Mills 🚂 – 3 Sauces + 1 Surprise!
Dans cet épisode spécial du Hot Pepper Show, on goûte à trois sauces d'une compagnie locale de Québec : le Domaine Britannia Mills. Au menu, 3 sauces assez particulières!
Feasting on El Lapino Spicy Beer from Microbrasserie du Lièvre
Special edition to thank my 200 followers on Instagram! You can follow me as well right here : Keep on sharing my videos and telling your friends. Check out Microbrasserie du Lièvre down here :